How Elizabeth Lost Weight Sustainably With a Thyroid Diagnosis at 60 Years Old

Elizabeth Dykes and I first spoke when she was recovering from an ankle surgery and hadn’t been able to walk for four months. She has a thyroid diagnosis that made weight loss almost impossible, especially at 60 years old and that’s what she wanted to help herself – to shed pounds sustainably.

She had tried keto, paleo, and Weight Watchers with NO improvement on the scale.  

She also had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and was in constant physical pain. 

She was fearful that the health conditions that run in her family were going to eventually affect her.  She was beginning to feel hopeless. 

So, she did something that changed everything... she hired me, Nutritionist, Trisha Mandes, MPHN, to shed pounds sustainably and turn her health around with Optimal Eating. 

After just 11 weeks of working with Nutritionist, Trisha Mandes DURING the holiday season Elizabeth…

  • Lost 21 pounds in 10.5 weeks – more weight than she thought she’d lose because of her Thyroid diagnosis!

  • In just two weeks she could walk down the stairs normally again from reducing inflammation! No pain, no struggle! In just two weeks! 

  • Doesn’t have ankle pain getting out of the car anymore! It went from a 5/10 in pain to a 1/10 in just two weeks!

  • Isn’t limping anymore!

  • Started walking again within 2 weeks of eating optimally.

  • Balance is back and she can do balance exercises for up to 30 seconds now instead of 5 seconds.

  • Is down almost 2 pant sizes while still eating food that she loves! 

What an amazing and inspiring woman!  

Click the video below to watch my personal interview with Elizabeth.  You’ll leave it feeling hopeful and inspired.

To quote Elizabeth…

“Im 100% glad that I did this. I feel so much better in my own body and I'm capable of doing more than I could before. I feel younger.”

I’m so proud of Elizabeth and it was truly an honor being by her side as she Shed Pounds Sustainably eating yummy foods she loves!

Ready to chat with Trish like Elizabeth did before she enlisted her help?  Schedule a time to chat with Nutritionist, Trisha Mandes, MPHN here and see what health and sustainable weight loss results are possible for you.