How Karen Shed 40 Pounds Sustainably and Reduced Her Arthritis Pain By 98%!

Karen was 69 years old when she found the courage to ask me to help her Shed Pounds Sustainably (here she is πŸ’–) and what happened, exceeded her expectations....

Karen was suffering from arthritis pain from head to toe especially in her hands and back. The pain was affecting her ability to complete daily chores at home -- she couldn't keep up. She was losing stamina to take walks with her husband.  She could no longer walk to the lake and back with her husband (for the last few years!).  She would have to turn around halfway through and felt very defeated. She was discouraged and felt that she was entering a realm of disability.  

Karen had tried numerous diet programs with no success and felt that she was never going to shed pounds sustainably until she did this one life changing thing...

Karen hired me, Nutritionist, Trisha Mandes, MPHN, as her personal Nutritionist to help her Shed Pounds Sustainably and improve her health.  

After 6 months of working with me and eating optimally (a massive win in and of itself!), Karen...

πŸ”₯ Shed 40 lbs without buying products, pills, counting or weighing food.  Amazing! 
πŸ”₯ Reduced her arthritis pain by 98%.  Also -- amazing!
πŸ”₯ She's not scared of falling anymore so she's no longer moving in fear! 
πŸ”₯ Has increased energy to do everyday tasks around the house.
πŸ”₯ Is able to take long walks with her husband to the lake again!
πŸ”₯ Feels like she has her LIFE back.
πŸ”₯ Knows she can eat optimally for the rest of her life and loves what she's eating.

Click the video below to listen to Karen tell you her story in her own words…

Cheers to shedding pounds sustainably in a healthy, lasting way AND never giving up on yourself... no matter how old you are! 

I'm so glad Karen didn't!

In Your Corner, 


P.S. I'd love to chat with you to see if/how I can also help you Shed Pounds Sustainably!  Do you want that too?  If so, sign up for a complimentary chat with me here and I'll let you know if/how I can help you Shed Pounds Sustainably and what results are possible for you and the unique miracle you are.  Karen's results exceeded her own expectations.  Let's see if we can do that for you too πŸ˜‰. Schedule a complimentary time to chat with me here.