How dried fruit can impede on weight-loss

Raisins and dried fruit can be sneaky little devils.  They can be very deceiving and you wouldn’t even know it.  Yes, raisins, they can trick you (and treat you too).

How can raisins trick you?

They’re missing something they were naturally “born with” which has transformed them into deceptive, shriveled grapes.

Today I’m going to tell you what they’re missing but more importantly how raisins and dried fruit can affect weight-loss or weight-gain.

You'll learn a simple rule that may leave you with a big “aha moment” after it’s explained to you about raisins (and their and mom’s).  You may also realize from today’s video that you’re doing something that’s seemingly healthy by eating raisins, but in actuality, they may be impeding on your weight-loss goals.  Or, maybe not.

Learn my recommendation for “the best way to eat dried fruit” and why, here, on today’s blog.  You’ll learn why I think raisins are tricky little treaty foods (I love Halloween).

This recommendation is so simple yet productive it’s awesome.  Whenever I teach this in one of my workshops, there’s always a lot of “oooookay, yes that makes sense” and “oh I never realized that” from the audience.  

After you watch the video, be sure to leave a comment...

“Do you have a dried fruit habit you’ll now change after watching this video?”

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